Media and Coalition go off script on pharmacy protesters storming Parliament

Media and Coalition go off script on pharmacy protesters storming Parliament

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How differently we look at the devastating impact on democracy inflicted by one group of protesters as opposed to another.

A pharmacist at Parliament House post question time (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

After the disruption to question time yesterday, with protesting pharmacists shouting “obscenities” and raising their middle digits at government MPs, as well as allegedly verbally abusing parliamentary staff, the political and media class were united in condemnation.

Here’s Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and LNP Senator James McGrath, quoted in The Australian under the headline “Activists hang shame on people’s house as protests are scaled up”:

Dutton said yesterday he was concerned that the orchestrated protests could lead to copycat demonstrations.

Read more about the pharmacist protest at Parliament…

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About the Author

Charlie Lewis — Tips and Murmurs Editor

Charlie Lewis

Tips and Murmurs Editor @theshufflediary

Charlie Lewis pens Crikey’s Tips and Murmurs column and also writes on industrial relations, politics and culture. He previously worked across government and unions and was a researcher on RN’s Daily Planet. He currently co-hosts Spin Cycle on Triple R radio.


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